N.C. Gen. Stat. ยง150B-21.3A, adopted in 2013,
requires the North Carolina State Board of Registration for Foresters
to review existing rules every 10 years.
The Board has completed the rules review process and intends to readopt
with substantive changes the rule cited as 21 NCAC 20 .0104 and readopt
without substantive changes the rule cited as 21 NCAC 20 .0103. The Board is
readopting these 2 rules in order to update and clarify language for procedures
currently followed in activities of the Board. The proposed effective date is
September 1, 2018.
Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.2(c)(1), the text of rules proposed for readoption without substantive changes is not required to be published. The text of 21 NCAC 20 .0103 can be found on the Ofice of Administrative Hearings website at: http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac.asp
The proposed text for readoption of 21 NCAC 20 .0104 is published in the May 15, 2018 North Carolina Register on pages 2497-2498 and can be viewed on the Office of Administrative Hearings website at: http://www.ncoah.com/rules/register/Volume%2032%20Issue%2022%20May%2015,%202018.pdf
Instructions for Comments:
The public may provide comments for each rule from 5/16/2018 through 7/16/2018.
Comments may be submitted by mail to:
NC Board of Registration for Foresters
PO Box 27393, Raleigh, NC 27611
OR by email to: info@ncbrf.org
A public comment is defined as a written comment objecting to the rule, in whole or in part,
received by an agency from any member of the public, including an association or other organization
representing the regulated community or other members of the public (G.S. 150B-21.3A(a)(5)).
In order for a comment to be considered by the Rules Review Commission, the comment must address the content of the rule.